Save Money On Groceries Without Using Coupons – 12 Tactics to Try

Save Money On Groceries Without Using Coupons - 12 Tactics to Try

Groceries are a major expense for many households, but you don’t have to break the bank. There are many ways to save money on groceries without relying on coupons. From meal planning and shopping at bulk stores to looking for sales and downsizing brands, discover 12 strategies for frugal grocery shopping – no coupon needed.

1. Make a Plan and Stick to it.

Making a meal plan is the most effective way to save money on your weekly grocery shop. Before you go shopping, take time to plan out what meals you’re going to be cooking for the week and make a comprehensive list of the items that you need. The biggest hint we can give here is to check your cupboard and freezer to make sure that if you already have it, you leave it off your list.  If you add spaghetti to your meal plan and all the ingredients that go with it don’t forget you may still have noodles in your cupboard from last time.  Once you have audited your cabinets, fridge, and freezer make your list.  When you do get to the store, stick rigidly to your list.  If you took the time to make a comprehensive meal plan then you’ll have the confidence that what is on your list is all you need.  If you want to save money on groceries without using couples stick to your list and don’t buy impulsively.

2. Pay Attention to the Unit Price for the Best Deal

Pay attention to the unit price and packaging sizes of products. Many times a store will entice shoppers to buy larger packages of popular items, as these packages are often more heavily discounted than their small counterparts. However, when you do make sure that you are going to consume all of it before it spoils.  Getting a larger size because it is cheaper per unit price is counter-productive you end up throwing some of it out.  Comparing product quantities and prices will help you find the best deal. Don’t simply assume that buying bigger is always better; check the per-unit cost before you check out to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

Always compare unit price to save money on groceries without using coupons.
Always compare unit price to save money on groceries without using coupons.

3. Take Advantage of Store Discounts and Loyalty Programs. 

I can hear you already!  If you are like me you hate giving out your personal information just to be able to take advantage of sales at a grocery store.  But groceries stores have the upper hand on this issue and if you need to give away your email address to get a store card then it is worth it compared to paying inflated prices.  Joining a store loyalty program doesn’t mean that you have to shop there exclusively, but it does mean that you can get the best price on certain items when you scan your loyalty card.  It can also provide you with exclusive access to coupons or other deals. Save even more by signing up for mailing lists – many stores offer exclusive discounts to members of their email list.  Bottom line is that to save money on groceries without using coupons you need to have more than a couple of tools at your disposal and a story loyalty card is an easy tool to use.

4. Avoid Food Waste and Eat What You Buy.

I am not over-exaggerating when I suggest that your biggest opportunity for saving money on groceries without using coupons is to eliminate food waste.  Stop and think for a moment about the amount of food you toss from your refrigerator because it has spoiled before being consumed or from your freezer because it has freezer burn.  When you toss that food and replace it you have literally bought those meals twice!  Don’t buy your food twice.  Focus on the food already in your refrigerator or freezer and eat it before it goes bad.  If you do this for a couple of months you will be shocked at how much your grocery bill is reduced.  I hear you.  What is left over doesn’t always sound good.  But that isn’t the point of this blog.  We are addressing how to save money on groceries without using coupons and eating the food you have without wasting it will absolutely help with that.  This is another excellent tool in your toolbox.

5. Look for Closeouts & Almost Out-of-Date Items

Most grocery stores have a sale or closeout section.  We live near a Kroger and their closeout price tags on the shelf have a very specific look.  We have trained ourselves to spot them.  We often get items that are 50% off for no apparent reason just by keeping an eye out for these tags.  Train your eye to catch the closeout or sale tags.  They can be a source of big savings.  Additionally, stores will almost always have a section for meats or produce that is almost out of date.  Consider buying meats that are a day or two from being out of date and place them directly into your freezer.  From there, they will hold until you prepare them.  Just be sure that you take them directly from the freezer to the “pot” when you decide to consume them.  Meats that are close to expiring are often 50% or more off and perfectly safe if frozen till consumed.

6. Don’t Go Grocery Shopping on an Empty Stomach

Want to save money on groceries without using coupons?  Don’t go shopping on an empty stomach.  Everything looks like something you want to eat and it will be more difficult to stick to your list.  You are much more prone to buy a meal or treat to eat on the way home instead of focusing on your plan.

7. Shop without the Kids if you Can

We all love our kids but few kiddos can make an entire trip to the grocery without being a huge distraction.  And distraction from your job is a big predictor of failure.  When trying to save money on groceries without using coupons you have to focus on executing your plan.  Be creative.  At one point in our lives, my wife and I decided that the best option was for me to go to the grocery at 10 pm at night with her list.  That meant we didn’t have to shop with the kids and I had time to execute her list without distractions.  Shopping without kids allows you the time you need to focus on your job.

To save money on groceries without using coupons shop without kids if you can.
To save money on groceries without using coupons shop without kids if you can.
A group of coworkers talking in a recreational space

8. Only Shop for Groceries when you Have Time to Focus

Similar to leaving the kids at home if you can is shopping when you have time to focus.  Avoiding trips to the grocery when you are rushed will help you execute your plan.  This means that trips to the grocery during your lunch break may not be the best idea.  To save money on groceries without using coupons you have to be able to stick to your plan.  Budget for your groceries.  Be intentional.  Look for deals and stay focussed.

9. Set a Grocery Budget and Stick to It

If we are about anything here at Budget Coach USA we are all about a budget.  A budget is the pillar of financial control.  Without one, you will always be wondering where your money went, instead of knowing.  So if you have a well-planned budget, on paper, on purpose at the beginning of the month you will be much better able to save money on your groceries without using coupons.  Stick to it.  Determine before you go that you are not going to purchase outside of your budget with impulse buys or things that look good at the moment…eh um because you went on an empty stomach!   Stick to your budget.  It will make your life better and make you better at life.

10. Buy What is On Sale, Go Home, and Make a Meal

As simple as this sounds, it is our go-to for saving money on groceries.  We have noticed over the years that most sales on groceries are at a minimum 15% and sometimes up to 33% off the normal price with the average somewhere a bit north of 20% off.  This means that if you only bought groceries that were on sale when you went to the store you would be saving $20 off of every $100 spent.  This requires you to build up a pantry of shelf-stable items or freezer items.  In this way, when you get home you simply look in your pantry and make a meal.  You don’t always get what sounds good at the moment, but you will save money on groceries without using coupons.  This is an especially effective tactic if you are trying to save money on groceries for a large family.

11. Stock up On Shelf Stable, Seasonal Sale Items

Is school beginning to get back into session after a long summer?  You can bet that breakfast cereal and breakfast bars are going to be on a big sale.  Each manufacturer sees this as the opportunity to gain a loyal customer by being a part of your new habits to start the new school year and they are offering big discounts to get your business.  Ever looked at expirations on breakfast cereal?  It is likely to be good for the rest of the school year.  Stock up now.  Need sugar, flour, butter, or baking supplies?  Hold off if you can until the holidays.  All of those items are as much as 40% off when the holidays are approaching.  And they are very shelf stable.  Stocking up during seasonal sales can save big money.  We put our butter in the freezer when it is on sale and pull it out to thaw before use.  We experience no loss of quality at all.

12. Buy Store Brand or Generic

And last but not least, the buy generic recommendation.  But don’t brush it off.  Name brands spend a lot of money marketing their products and lifestyle to you and I know those generic products don’t have the same attractive packaging.  However, oftentimes, the product difference is minimal and sometimes not really even noticeable.  If you have not been in the habit of buying generic and you want to save money on groceries without using coupons then you really need to give generic products a try.  Each week swap just one of your name brands for a generic.  If it is a fail, then you know.  But it might be a success and voila, you save money.  Swap a name brand for a generic at least once each week.  Before you know it, you’ll have a full list of items that you didn’t know could taste so great and they even saved you money.

Save money on groceries without using coupons
Save money on groceries without using coupons

Well, there you have it.  Our 12 tips for saving money on groceries without using coupons.  If you really want to save on your groceries combine as many of these suggestions as you can into your shopping trips.  It sounds a bit like overkill but it is not an exaggeration to say that going to the grocery is a bit like going into battle. I know, sounds like drama right?  But it isn’t.  You need a game plan.  You have to be on your toes, focused, and have a game plan.  When you do, you can save real money on your grocery bill.  With that said, I’ll leave you with one last tip.

I’ll leave you with one last tip.  Use Coupons! 

Don’t buy anything not on your list just because you have a coupon. But do use them if they are the least expensive option to satisfy your menu and shopping plan for the week.  Coupons can help if you make them a part of your overall well-thought-out plan.  But never if you use them to buy a product that is not on your list or that you could have gotten cheaper by buying generic.

It’s us against the grocery store and marketing folks.  So make a budget for your groceries and work your plan.  Make your money behave.  You can do it!

What do you think?  What did we miss?  Let us know your favorite strategy for saving money on groceries without using coupons in the comments below.