49 Staycation Ideas for Families

49 Staycation Ideas for Families

Budget-Friendly Staycation Ideas for Families

Summer is here, and if you are looking to plan a budget-friendly summer season then consider our staycation ideas for families to get you started. Staycations are a great way to explore your local area and make lasting memories with your loved ones without the hassle and expense of long-distance travel. Whether you’re looking for outdoor adventures or indoor activities, there are plenty of options to keep everyone entertained. In this article, we’ll share some creative staycation ideas that will help you have a fun-filled summer with your family while staying close to home.  Don’t worry – just because you’re staying close to home doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice adventure or fun. In fact, we’ve compiled a list of 49 staycation ideas for families that will make your family feel like they’ve had a full summer. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into some creative staycation options for families!

Pick 7 (or more) for a Week of Family Staycation Fun

1. Camping

Tops on our list of budget-friendly staycation family fun is the old-fashioned camping trip.  You don’t have to go far to find a place you can set up a tent on the cheap and enjoy a night under the stars.  Camping tops our list, because it truly builds great family memories and is so inexpensive to do.  Find camping spots at state or national parks near you here.

2. Bowling

Bowling is making a bit of a comeback in the US thanks to some new investments and combining the activity with arcades and entertainment venues.  Regardless, bowling is a super affordable family activity but often gets overlooked.  Make a family bowling day part of your staycation and create some great family memories.

3. Ice Skating

There are more ice skating rinks than you might think.  We just don’t typically notice them because they rarely occupy prime retail real estate so they often go unnoticed.  But if you live within an hour or 2 of larger metropolitan areas chances are there is an ice skating rink near you.  Ice skating this another budget-friendly family staycation idea.

4. Visit a Farm

The US is not as much the agrarian culture we once were and the result is generations of kids that don’t understand where our food comes from.  Visiting a farm can be both educational and a lot of fun.  There are many hobby farms that host groups and families for apple picking, hay rides, and pumpkin patch activities a various times of the year.

5. Have a Picnic

We’ve grown so accustomed to indoor environments that we don’t like the inconveniences that weather and bugs can add to our meals.  But if you push through and overcome those hesitations you’ll find some great family experiences just by having a picnic.  Picnics are not just budget-friendly, they are free.  You had to eat a meal anyway right?  So take a frisbee and find a park.

6. Take a Factory Tour

There are factory tours at all types of manufacturing facilities.  Do you live near an auto plant?  Watching cars being made is pretty cool.

7. Have an Arts & Crafts Day

Encourage your kids’ creativity and yours too.  Take a trip to the hobby store for some supplies and make photo frames, key chains, pot holders and so much more.

8. Make S’Mores

Even if you don’t like pitching tents, you can still enjoy a s’more.  All you need is a box of graham crackers, a couple of chocolate bars, some marshmallows, and a fire of course.  This simple backyard staycation activity will create some great memories for your family.

9. Go to a Museum

If you are not typically a museum person, they are easy to overlook.  But a lot of towns have various museums from classic car museums to science museums.  This is easily a full-day activity that your family will love.  Combine this with a pic-nic for some added value!

10. Create a Family Scrapbook

Gather those old photos, add some from your social media pages, and send the ones on your phone for printing.  Once you gather them from everyone’s devices you’ll probably be surprised by the memories that have been hiding behind a digital mask.  Get them out in the open and make a coffee table scrapbook or hang them on the fridge.  When winter is getting long or the family is feeling a little discouraged it can be helpful to remember all the blessings you have in your life and the great memories you have already made together.  Include hobbies, interests, and family milestones so everyone is represented and celebrated.

49 Budget Friendly Staycation Ideas for Families

11. Build a Fort in the Living Room

I don’t know a kid anywhere that doesn’t enjoy a good couch cushion and blanket living room fort.  Make a day of it by watching a movie in your fort, playing board games in your fort and even having a picnic.    

12. Go for a Hike

Hiking is the ultimate budget-friendly staycation idea for families. It’s free!  I can’t imagine a location in the US that would not have a public hiking trail or available walking trail access within 30 minutes of their home.  Work off a few calories and enjoy a larger lunch!  That is a win-win for everyone.

13. Go Fishing

You don’t have to keep them.  Catch-and-release fishing is a great family staycation idea. Just be sure you have the correct fishing licenses for your state.  Kids usually fish legally without a license but check to make sure.  And, if you are the outdoorsy type then go ahead and take them home for dinner.  Fresh fish is delicious and nutritious.

14. Play Mini-Golf

18-Holes of mini-golf levels the playing field for adults and kids alike.  With all those twists and turns on a miniature golf course, even the most competitive parent can find themselves on the losing end of the mini golf score.  Your kids will love a chance to beat mom or dad at a round of mini-golf for your family staycation.

15. Make a Family Music Video

Nothing makes a kid smile more than watching their parents get silly for a while inside their world.  Preserve that on video and your kids will remember it forever along with the rest of your social network.  Trust me, your friends will be jealous that you had the guts to put yourself on film in a family music video even if on the outside they are giving you a hard time about it.

16. Create a Masterpiece with Sidewalk Chalk

It will wash off with the next rain.  Got a cause you and your family care about.  Leave that message on the sidewalk and teach your kids how to have fun and promote worthy causes at the same time.

17. Learn a Magic Trick

Everyone picks a magic trick and take an hour to practice.  When you come back together practice on each other. You’ll be experts in no time.

18. Make Tye-Dye T-Shirts

A few buckets, some RIT dye, and a few $4 tee shirts can make for a fun afternoon of tye-dye fun for the whole family.  Combine this activity with a family hike and everyone can wear their creative masterpiece at the same time.

19. Go to a Dude Ranch

There has always been an attraction to the American West.  Cowboys and the wide open range just seem to bring out the romantic part in all of us.  Why not take a trip to a local dude ranch and practice your roping skills or Dutch oven cooking?

20. Sing Karaoke

Combine that music video with some karaoke at the same time.  You’ll be a rockstar in your kid’s mind for the rest of time.  They’ll love it.

21. Do a Science Experiment

Drop some mentos into a 2 liter of soda and step back.  (YouTube that first the make sure you know what you are getting into).  Then look up with the kids what makes that such an explosive science experiment.  Education and family fun at the same time.

22. Visit a State or National Park

You pay your taxes.  Why not take advantage of what you are paying for?  Our state and national parks are often in our own backyards and we seldom think to plan a visit.  There is a treasure of opportunity and wonderful scenery at your state or national park.

23. Go to a Carnival or Fair

State fair anyone?  A state fair is a great place to celebrate your state’s culture and industry while indulging in some great fair food.  You can enjoy rides, food, entertainment, and educational opportunities at your state fair.  State fairs are also a very budget-friendly staycation idea for families.

24. Go to a Drive-In Movie

Believe it or not, there are still some drive-in movie theaters in the US.  More than you might think.  Break free from the routine and plan a drive-in movie experience for your kids.  Don’t have a drive-in movie complex near you.  Make one in your own backyard and invite the family.

25. Sleep Under the Stars

Grab your sleeping bags and step out the back door.  Your backyard is a great place to sleep under the stars while keeping the bathroom nearby!

26. Go 24 Hours without Internet or TV

If camping is our best staycation idea for families, cutting off the internet and tv for 24 hours would have to be our 2nd best staycation idea for families.  It may sound difficult now, but you’ll really appreciate the way you are present for one another when no one is distracted by their devices.  Give this one a try.  It is worth it.

27. Have a Waterbaloon Fight

Once again, this is an opportunity for you to enter your child’s world and they will absolutely love it.  Just make sure to let them get you some too!

28. Go Roller Skating

Along with bowling and ice skating, roller skating is another somewhat forgotten pastime.  But your kids and the whole family will enjoy letting your hair down some at the roller rink.  Don’t worry.  Everyone looks a little awkward.  That is what makes it fun.

29. Visit a Historical Site

State historical sites are usually hiding in plain sight.  We see the signs and hardly even read them anymore.  But start opening your eyes and paying attention and chances are you’ll begin to notice the opportunities in your area.  Local history is interesting and is a more personal look at your community.

30. Go on a Scavenger or Treasure Hunt or Even a Breakout Room

Breakout rooms are a surefire way to get the kids to use their investigative skills.  Kids sometimes see the obvious things adults can overlook and are very successful with puzzles like a breakout room. It is a great confidence builder for them.

31. Fly a Kite

When I was a kid I was consistently trying to make a kite from some sticks, string, and old newspaper.  You can do it that way or just buy one at the dollar store.  Either way, kids and adults enjoy flying a kite.  Flying a kite is number 31 on our list of staycation ideas for families.

32. Make Ice Cream

Yes, it is a little work but oh, so, worth it!  Who doesn’t love homemade ice cream?  Let the kids play in the yard, toss the ball with them or let them churn by hand.  The end result is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

33. Complete a Jig Saw Puzzle

Clear off the kitchen table and get a puzzle out of the closet.  Puzzles are not just a great activity when the electricity is out.  Team up with your kids for a family puzzle day then take them out to dinner for a celebration.  Seeing a project like a large puzzle from start to finish is a great confidence builder for kids.

34. Build a Rope Swing in Your Backyard

Long before we had big box hardware stores to sell us neat and tidy playground kits, our dads hung up a rope and a tire on a limb in the yard.  Nothing wrong with the expansive and expensive big playground if you have the budget but for the best budget-friendly staycation idea try a traditional tire and rope swing in the yard.  

35. Draw or Paint a Family Portrait

Bring out the creative side in your kids and let them draw or paint a family portrait.  Better yet, everyone takes a turn and frames the results or puts them on the fridge.

36. Go for Bike Rides in the Park

It is always a good time to break out the bikes.  Load up the truck and head for some new scenery at your local park.

37. Have a Dessert Party

Dessert for dinner anyone?  Talk about a memorable family meal.  No veggies, just cake, and pie?  Yep.  It isn’t every day or even every month, but once in a while, especially for a family staycation, a dessert dinner is a memory maker.

38. Do a Fun Family Photo Shoot

Get that perfectly posed picture you’ve always wanted and then let the kids muck it up for a few.  Get silly with them.  Put a collage of those photos together and celebrate your family’s individual personalities.

39. Have a Backyard Movie Night

These days large-screen TVs and even some projectors are not that expensive.  So pick a good weather night and fire up the backyard movie with popcorn and soda.

40. Host a Video Game Tournament

Another way to get right into the middle of your kid’s world is to join them in a video game tournament.  They are almost guaranteed to smoke you in it so you don’t even have to let them win!

41. Make a Time Capsule and Bury It

Grab a flip phone and a palm pilot and start your time capsule.  Mark the spot and if you are still living in that house years later you can dig it up with your grandchildren.

42. Play in the Rain and Jump in Puddles

Puddle jumping is free!  Pull out the camp clothes or whatever you don’t mind losing and join the kids in some mud puddle jumping.

43. Read a Book Together

Family book club?  Why not?  Better yet.  Let the kids pick the book.  You might like Hunger Games more than you thought.

44. Run Through Sprinklers

Set up the sprinkler and have some summertime fun.

45. Set Up an Obstacle Course in Your Backyard

Check out some old episodes of Survivor to get some ideas and then start your own backyard obstacle course.  When you are done enjoying it as a family leave it up for a while and the kids will occupy themselves teaching the dog to do it.  Two distractions for the price of one!

46. Start a Family Tradition

Pick something that means a lot to you and start a new family tradition. Make your first year of the new tradition part of your staycation.

47. Throw a Street or Block Party (Family Friendly)

If you have some adventurous neighbors invite them to join you in a block party, family-friendly of course.  It will take a bit of work but don’t get too carried away.  Just enjoy the food and fellowship.  The kids will get things going on their own and you’ll get some much-needed time with other adults.  Okay, maybe some spirits in a red solo cup.  Just don’t tell the kids.

48. Watch Fireworks

Everyone loves fireworks, right?  

49. Write a Song Together

It might test your patience with each other but there are fun ways to write a song with others.  One person starts with a totally random line and the next person writes the next line.  Pre-determine the melody line to sing it to and keep writing in round robin until the song is finished.  There will be some silly lines that will most likely keep everyone laughing.

Final Thoughts on Your Family Staycation Ideas

Staycations are an excellent way for families to enjoy a much-needed break in a budget-friendly way. With so many great ideas available, it’s easy to plan a fun-filled staycation that will keep everyone entertained and happy. Whether you choose to explore your local area, relax in your own backyard or indulge in some home-based activities, there are plenty of options to suit all tastes and budgets. So why not ditch the stress of travel and create unforgettable family memories with a staycation this year?  Your bank account will thank you.

Just be sure to use a budget when planning.