Debt-Free Quotes That Make You Think.

10 debt-free quotes to make you think

Debt-Free Quotes That Make You Think.

10 Sharable Debt-Free Quotes to Make You Think.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so we’ve taken this post to share 10 debt-free quotes in image form.

1. “You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.” – Dave Ramsey

Quote explained:  An indispensable part of winning with money is your ability to control your spending.  Most people don’t have an income problem, they have a spending problem.  “It isn’t what you make, it’s what you spend”.  Using a monthly zero-based budget is an indispensable part of controlling your money.

Debt-free quotes that make you think.

2. “The only man who sticks closer to you in adversity than a friend is a creditor.” – Unknown

Quote explained:  “Murphy” has a way of showing up at the wrong time and what this quote is meant to convey is that when you take debt, you are inviting Murphy’s law to visit your life.  And, when you do, the creditor will not be far behind with their hand out.

3. “Remember this: Debt is a form of bondage. It is a financial termite.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin

Quote explained:  The borrower is a slave to the lender.  When debt is part of your life, it eats away at your financial future.

Debt-free quotes that make you think.

4. Debt is normal, be weird! – Dave Ramsey

Quote explained: I’ve been debt-free for some years and I can honestly say that I’ve had a lot of people, including my own family look at me like I’ve got 2 heads for my refusal to let debt back into my life.  Can you think of anything more normal than a person with a car payment, credit card payments, and school loans?  Me neither.  So, be weird, and pay off your debt using a debt snowball and zero-based budget.

Debt-free quotes that make you think.

5. Money is a good servant and a bad master. – Francis Bacon

Quote explained:  Put another way this quote is saying that money does what it is told well, but if you put it in charge things go south quickly.  Tell your money where to go so you don’t wonder where it went.

How to start over at 50 with no money tip 3 (30)

6. “If you are not financially independent by the time you are forty or fifty, it doesn’t mean you are living in the wrong country or at the wrong time. It simply means that you have the wrong plan.”
– Jim Rohn

Quote explained:  In the USA opportunity is everywhere.  If you are not succeeding, chances are you just have the wrong plan.  The right plan is to live on less than you make and save, save, save.  Even a modest income can produce millionaire status if you follow the right plan.

Debt-free quotes to make you think.

7. A budget tells your money where to go before wondering where it went. – John Maxwell

Quote explained:  If you use a budget you are making a plan for your income before the month begins.  If you don’t you’ll get to the end of the month and wonder where it all went.  It is just as true as death and taxes.

Debt-Free Quotes That Will Make You Think!

8. Choose what you want most, over what you want now. – Andy Stanley

Quote explained: We all want things in the moment but is it really what we want most?  Almost every day I’m tempted by things I want now, but I want most to have peace around my financial future.  So I say “no” to what I want now, so I can have what I want most.

How to start over at 50 with no money tip 3 (10)

9. Money (debt) isn’t a math problem, it’s a you problem.  -Jade Warshaw

Quote explained: Winning with money is a pretty simple formula.  It isn’t complicated.  It is 5th-grade math!  Spend less than you make.  The problem is the person in the mirror who can’t say “no” and live within a budget.

Debt-free Quotes:  Money isn't a math problem, it's a me problem.

10. Winning with money is 20% math and 80% behavior.  -Dave Ramsey

Quote explained:  The real drive behind winning with money is controlling your behavior.  The math is easy.  Controlling ourselves is the answer.

Debt-free quotes that make you think.

Wrap Up

There are a lot of debt-free quotes that will make you think.  My personal favorite is probably, “Choose what you want most, over what you want now”.  I’ve got that one displayed above my office desk and it reminds me that every day I have a choice.  If I choose wisely, I can shape the future I want.

Quotes are funny things.  Even the ones that deal with difficult topics like debt have the potential to awaken something in us.  I hope one of these catches your attention and gets you moving in the right direction.